The Challenge
The climate crisis is a collective problem, yet we tackle it in isolation. How can we collaborate to engage citizens in the climate efforts?

Sustainability is important in the development of new residential areas. Yet, developers, infrastructure providers and future residents rarely have the tools to collaborate on sustainability goals. Too often, each stakeholder carries out their sustainability work in isolation.

The result is a mismatch between the intentions and expectations of building developers, infrastructure providers and residents. Infrastructure is, at best, misused and, at worst, unfit for purpose, leading to frustration and a lack of self-efficacy among residents.

Consequently, sustainability goals relating to energy and resource use in residential areas are not met, not due to lack of effort, but a lack of shared tools for communication and collaboration.

Our clients are often involved from the beginning in the development of residential areas. We assist them in laying the groundwork for smart infrastructure, both physical and digital.
We work closely with utility and waste infrastructure providers to develop digital tools that help them connect with residents and create lasting sustainable behaviour change.

Our digital tools are designed based on published behavioural research, making them effective in instigating large scale sustainable behaviour change that stands the test of time.
We develop digital tools that connect citizens with smart infrastructure and their local community.

The digital tools and interventions that we develop are always informed by our own and other's data and published behaviour change research.

LocalLife began as a research project at KTH that branched off in response to demand outside of academia. Although we are now a private company we have retained a firm footing in research and continue to contribute to the ongoing academic discussion around sustainable behaviour change.
Happier tenants, system operators and end-users
Fewer plastics and an active sharing community
Energy and peak load reductions in the smart grid