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Miljörummets utmaning

While most other areas of our buildings have been modernized, the waste rooms have remained stuck in time. As a result, 7 out of 10 bins are collected at the wrong time, 8 out of 10 residents want better solutions, and 9 out of 10 bins contain incorrectly sorted waste.


Av kärlen hämtas i fel tid


Av de boende önskar bättre sorteringsmöjligheter


Av kärlen innehåller felsorterat avfall


Vi installerar laser-sensorer på kärlen i ert miljörum som mäter fyllnadsgrad. Över tid ser vi om vissa kärl blir fulla för tidigt och om andra alltid har plats. Efter sex månader får ni er första optimeringsrapport som rekommenderar hur ni kan optimera ert miljörum eller ta bort kärl för att spara pengar.


We enhance your waste room signage to meet the Nordic standard. These signs are thoughtfully designed with insights from recycling behavior research, providing clear guidance for correct waste sorting. Residents also have access to QR codes for easy reporting of mis-sorting or other issues, supporting effective waste management.


All residents in the building gain access to the SortWyze service, where they can find precise sorting information on where to dispose of each waste type, report issues, and receive feedback to improve sorting and save money. The service is built on proven research into sustainable recycling behaviors.



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